Analyze the key effects of labour market

Complete the assignment:

Create a fifteen to twenty (15 to 20) slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed scholarly speaker notes in which you:

a. Compare the three (3) current health care financing and funding models (i.e., employee based, government based, and individual based) used with the healthcare delivery system of the United States.

b. Compare and contrast key economic goals of public and private health insurance plans.  Evaluate the success potential of key economic goals in terms of populations covered, services included, financing arrangements, reimbursement strategies, and economic competition policies.

c. Analyze the key effects of labor market, insurance market, and competitive market factors on health care delivery requirements at your current or previous organization of employment.

d. Determine what changes are occurring in the economy or concerning labor and regulatory factors that must be considered in the future.

e. Suggest the key national trends that you believe currently affect competition and pricing initiatives. Justify your response.

f. Suggest the main quality indicators that typically affect health insurance pricing at the local level. Justify your response.

g. Use a minimum of six (6) reputable references sources including three (3) sources from peer reviewed journals.
Your assignment should follow these formatting requirements:

a. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references should  follow APA or school-specific format.

b. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment

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Other Management: Analyze the key effects of labour market
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