
Analyze the issue using the sources found determine a

Assignment: Evidence-Based Management Draft

You have identified a business health care issue and a clinical health care issue, researched the issues, and gained insight into them. It is now time to create a draft of your course project for review by your peers and instructor.

For this discussion, focus on one of your two issues. Based on sources of information you retrieved and your insight, how can the problem be resolved? What can be updated? What can be applied to improve process?

Here are some ideas to get your started:

• Analyze the issue using the sources found.
• Determine a resolution for the issue based on the research conducted.
• Consider how your conclusions relate to the EbM model.

Prepare your paper as follows:

• Include the information from the first three steps (that is, information from the assignments and discussions in Units 4-7). Make sure it is organized in a logical fashion.

• Present your information as the readings and activities outlined for Step 4 of the EbM model. Per the model, presenting the recommendations and decisions is not usually included, but for the sake of this assignment, it should be included.

• When you complete this assignment, in order to accomplish both Step 4 and Step 5 of the model, you will probably have to section your paper-the first part for the presentation and communication as outlined in Step 4, and the second part as outlined for Step 5.

Note: The information you have gathered through the readings and activities in this unit, especially those focused on the final step of the EbM model, will be very important to the success of your project. It is recommended that you go back to those readings and activities to refresh your understanding of the process.

Before you post your draft, review the Evidence-Based Management course project description to ensure you understand and meet all of the criteria for this assignment.

Response Guidelines

Read the posts of your peers and respond to two. In your response, complete the following (treat this as a peer review):

• Does the process he or she followed (that is, identifying the problem, research, and insight) make sense? What seems to be missing? What did he or she do well?

• What other questions, comments, and suggestions do you have for your peer to improve his or her paper?

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Business Management: Analyze the issue using the sources found determine a
Reference No:- TGS02317137

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