
Analyze the internal governance mechanism of ownership

Banco Santander is a Spaniard bank, the biggest for market capitalization and the eight largest by assets in Europe. The last 25 years, Emilio Botin, Chairman, has lead a process of internationalization and diversification through overseas acquisitions.

Please read the article Banco Santander's Emilio Botín takes on the world, which is posted in week 6. You can review additional information from business journals as Businessweek, Fortune, Forbes, CNN Money, McKinsey Harvard Business review or other credible source from internet.

Please prepare a document where you answer the following questions:

1. Botin's strategy was to acquire large foreign banks which have some sort of financial straits, some of these banks are located in developing countries in South America. Will this risk spreading create value for shareholders? Under what circumstances could these acquisitions create benefits for shareholders?

2. Should Banco Santander increase its presence in the U.S. market? Why or why not?

3. Assume that Banco Santander decides to increase its presence in the U.S. market. How should it do so?

4. What do you think are the key success factors for the international diversification of Banco Santander?

5. Analyze the internal governance mechanism of ownership concentration in Banco Santander.

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Marketing Management: Analyze the internal governance mechanism of ownership
Reference No:- TGS0991454

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