
Analyze the influence of popular culture on social norms


Essay Question I

Explain the origins, patterns, and circumstances that fueled the wave of immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Describe what immigrants expected to find upon their arrival and what they actually found.

Analyze the reactions of native-born Americans to the influx of immigrants. Assess the efforts they made to understand and address the social problems that accompanied that influx.

Essay Question II

Essay Question:

Describe the competing cultural trends in the 1920s, including nativism, modernism, fundamentalism, black nationalism, and racism. Identify the reasons for the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan, the origins of the black cultural renaissance, and the religious and social debates that led to the Scopes trial in Tennessee.

Analyze the influence of popular culture on social norms and morals. State the innovations that allowed for the spread of mass culture and explain their impact.

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History: Analyze the influence of popular culture on social norms
Reference No:- TGS01623916

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