
Analyze the health policy issue


Each student will individually present an oral summary of his or her health policy research paper. The case presentation must be recorded via Panopto, and uploaded to the Drop Box on the Moodle course page. This is a formal presentation, which must use the split-screen view of both yourself speaking to the webcam, and also your powerpoint slides on the split-screen as well. The presentation is to be extemporaneous (not read directly from the paper or slides). If you read from the paper and/or slides, do not expect a passing grade on this portion of the assignment. The presentation should be between 15 to 20 minutes in length, but longer is ok if you have more to explain. 15 to 20 powerpoint slides (with APA reference citations on them) should be used to help keep you on track by noting short bulleted speaking points (not full sentences). The level of professionalism during the presentation and the depth of the content of the presentation are the central factors in grading. The link to download and record via Panopto are on the course Moodle site. Presentations must be completed/uploaded prior to your completion of the course's final exam.

Students will individually research a specific topic that is directly related to health policy, which must be approved by the instructor prior to beginning research. The use of secondary data is expected in order to develop a policy problem statement and carefully analyze the health policy issue. Economic analysis will be utilized in order to separate the symptoms of the problem from the real health policy problem. The central focus of the paper must be a specific health policy problem, not a generalized healthcare problem (Ex: "obesity" and "diabetes" are too broad of topics: please focus on narrower and more specific policy issues).

This paper will pay particular anention to the secondary effects that result from the health policy that you choose, and summarize the managerial implications that are most relevant. Paraphrase all sources very carefully instead of using quotations, and do not plagiarize. Papers with more than 10% match on Tumitin to published sources of any kind are subject to grade deductions at the discretion of the instructor.

APA formatted in-text citations and a formal reference list are required. Papers must use Microsoft Word, I2-point Times Ncw Roman font with 1" margins bordering all sides of the page. The paper will consist of a ten page (double-spaced) analysis of the specific policy issue(s), with no less than ten current textbook or journal references (un websites are to be used) The final paper is due to the instructor (via the Drop Box in Moodie) prior to your completion of the course'sfinal exam. The format of the paper must consist of the following sections:

• Abstract

• Introduction of the Specific Health Policy Issue/Problem

• Literature Review

• Methodology

• Results

• Specific Managerial Implications

• References

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Managerial Economics: Analyze the health policy issue
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