
Analyze the future import issues


Qustion 1

"Future Import Issues" Please respond to the following:

• Analyze the future import issues discussed in Chapter 11 to determine which issue creates (or will create) the greatest challenges for importers in general. For example, a decision to self-audit could require a substantial reorganization of the company. Explain your rationale.

• Based on the same analysis, discuss additional issues you see as likely to arise in the next 10 years. For example, it is expected that C-TPAT compliance requirements will expand and become more stringent. Provide specific examples to support your response.Please visit the website of Japan's Customs and Tariff Bureau at www.customs.go.jp/english/ for interesting comparisons with US Customs and Border Protection's requirements with respect to advance filing rules, etc.

Question 2= comment

Analyze the future import issues discussed in Chapter 11 to determine which issue creates (or will create) the greatest challenges for importers in general. For example, a decision to self-audit could require a substantial reorganization of the company. Explain your rationale.

I think that Tariff Classifications can pose a great challenge for importers. In the book it states that many companies that are involved in international trade practices look for third party service providers to classify their imported/exported products. This is neither efficient nor effective to put such responsibility and reliability on the third party. As the book mentions, what if an issue arises such as a high duty rate assessment? The third party is not going to be held accountable but you will be. This is a major issue because you need to have some sort of knowledge to ensure that the job is being doing properly. It is important that international trade participants recognize that there is a regulatory responsibility of reasonable care that must be demonstrated.

Based on the same analysis, discuss additional issues you see as likely to arise in the next 10 years. For example, it is expected that C-TPAT compliance requirements will expand and become more stringent. Provide specific examples to support your response.

In the next 10 years I see this costing a ton in losses to business and revenue because of misclassification. Also, tariff misclassification could lead to tariff fraud. This is why it is important to promote correct classification of goods. To prevent this, as mentioned above, it is important that international trade participants recognize that there is a regulatory responsibility of reasonable care that must be demonstrated. Make yourself knowledgeable.

Reference: Cook, T. A., Alston, R., & Raia, K. (2012). Mastering import & export management (2nd ed.). New York: American Management Association.

Question 3=

"Reasonable Care" Please respond to the following:

• You are responsible for developing the reasonable care standard within your organization that will govern how customs requirements will be addressed. Discuss how you would create an organizational policy that takes into account the guidelines that will meet current customs regulations.

• Imagine that your organization's shipments are regularly turned back as a result of customs' inspections. Explain how you would develop a troubleshooting plan that would identify and address the problem.

Question 4=

"Reasonable Care" Please respond to the following:

• You are responsible for developing the reasonable care standard within your organization that will govern how customs requirements will be addressed. Discuss how you would create an organizational policy that takes into account the guidelines that will meet current customs regulations.

1) Develop an internal "Customs Counsel". Train a team of employees in order to familiarize them with customs laws, regulations and procedures.

2) Hire a customs broker. Use a qualified expert that specializes in customs law. Allow broker to advise how to make proper entries. As the relationship develops and trust is built allow broker more control to make import declarations.

3) Establish quality assurance personnel. These QA inspectors will be responsible for ensuing products are accompanied by the correct documentation, packaging, and labeling

• Imagine that your organization's shipments are regularly turned back as a result of customs' inspections. Explain how you would develop a troubleshooting plan that would identify and address the problem.

In order to troubleshoot returned shipments, an audit of the three entities, as discussed above, would be conducted. If the problem was identified as stemming from the Customs Counsel additional training and education would be established. If the problem is a result of mistakes from the broker a new expert advisor should be hired. If the issue came from mistakes in documentation or packaging the QA team may require additional training and or more frequent internal audits.

Cook, T., Alston, R., Raia, K. (2012). Mastering Import and Export Management. American Management Association: New York, NY.

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Microeconomics: Analyze the future import issues
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