
Analyze the forces in the marketing environment thathave

Write a 2 page (500) paper summarizing the case and answering any three of the questions at the end. You are allowed to discuss the case with your classmates if you wish, but you must write your own paper. Please turn it in by email as usual.

Pinterest: Revolutionizing the Web-Again; starting on page 561 (Case and Questions Attached); summarize the case and answer 3 of the 4 questions

Questions for Discussion

17-18 Analyze the forces in the marketing environment thathave contributed to Pinterest's explosion in popularity.

17-19 Why has Pinterest demonstrated such a high influenceon consumers' decisions to purchase products?

17-20 Discuss ways that companies can use Pinterest to buildtheir own brands and generate sales.

17-21 What threats does Pinterest face in the future? Give recommendationsfor dealing with those threats.

Attachment:- case_pinterest_revolutionizing_the_web-again.rar

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Marketing Research: Analyze the forces in the marketing environment thathave
Reference No:- TGS02252568

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