
Analyze the feasibility of producing gasohol from

Renewable Energy


1. We make choices about energy every day.

2. Energy is the capacity to do work.

3. Automobile is an example of a heat pump.

4. 232Th is more plentiful on earth than either of the uranium isotopes.

5. Efficiency is an energy source.

6. Fast breeder reactors are primarily categorized by the type of moderator they use.

7. Cap-and-Trade scheme allows for a more predictable price for carbon.

8. In a reinserting feedback, the response assists the initial effect.

9. A "quad" can be applied to the energy content of oil, or electricity.

10. Your body's power output is ~ 100 Mw.

11. 1 kWh represents an amount of energy.

12. The simplest fusion process is the fusion of two protons.

13. d-d fusion is the most desirable to produce useable fusion energy yet difficult to achieve.

14. Real engines rarely fall below the Carnot ideal.

15. COP of a heat pump is generally < 1.

16. Actinides are uranium and related heavy elements that are found in the spent fuel.

17. INES classifications are useful to categorize nuclear events.

18. The RBMK reactor is inherently unstable at high power levels.

19. The plot of mass number as a f (atomic number) is referred to as a Segrè plot.

20. The ratio of energy use to GDP is called "Energy Intensity"

21. Fischer-Tropsch process can be used to produce transportation fuel from coal.

22. The earth's is albedo is ~ 0.5.

23. Another name for London Smog is "Photochemical Smog".

24. LNG has a volume only ½ of its gaseous state.

25. Electrostatic precipitators can remove more than 99% of PM.

Short answer questions

1. Analyze the feasibility of producing Gasohol from Agriculture waste and justify why Gasohol may not replace gasoline - Based on homework

2. If the 2012 hypothetical world population growth rate of 2.2% were to continue, what would be the population in 2050? The 2012 population was about 7 billion.

3. Discuss the relevance of non-conventional fossil fuels such as Shale oil, Tar Sands in the energy equation

4. Enunciate and describe 1st, 2nd, and 3rd law of Thermodynamics. Show the connections between Energy, Heat and Work.

5. Explain the process of controlling NOx & PM2.5, 10 emissions

6. Compare and contrast carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade with their pros/cons

7. Estimate the amount of CO2 released in burning 1 gallon of gasoline. Give your answers in both kilograms and pounds. The density of gasoline is about 730 kg/m3, and gasoline is about 84% carbon by weight. (show the calculations)

8. Your state's air-quality is wrestling with whether or not to permit diesel passenger cars to be sold in your state. Formulate an argument one way or another, drawing on the latest information on "clean diesel" technology.

9. Calculate the overall efficiency for the following system: Power plant (η1 = 0.35), Transmission lines (η2 = 0.92), and Incandescent bulb (η3 = 0.05). What if the bulb is CFL with efficiency of 0.20. Discuss your results assuming that both systems have the same output.

10. How much potential energy is acquired when an 80 kg (176 lb) man reaches the top of 18000 m mountain? How many donuts of energy is that if 1 donut = 150 Calories? Note that food "Calories" are actually kilocalories of energy! Note: (1 kc = 4.185 kJ) - show the calculations.

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Dissertation: Analyze the feasibility of producing gasohol from
Reference No:- TGS01286595

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