
Analyze the external environment at the macro-level

Environmental Assessment (Dish)

Case Assignment
In this assignment you will be asked to once again consider Dish in responding to the following two requirements:
Why is it best for large organizations like Dish to use both PEST and Porter's 5 Forces analysis in helping its leaders to understand their particular external environment? Make sure you demonstrate understanding of both analytical processes in your discussion and give clear, Dish-related examples to support your arguments.

Second, describe how the information obtained from the organization's macro-level external analysis might be used by an organization like Dish in performing their SWOT analysis.

In short, what should an organization like Dish be doing to analyze the external environment at the macro-level and how does that overlap with the organization's micro-level analysis efforts? Make sure you provide well-reasoned and well supported arguments.

Assignment Expectations

Your case assignment should be 4 pages in length.
You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources. There should be a minimum of three reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper.
Please make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment.

Background Information

Here is an e-text reading assignment that provides a good overview of the materials presented in this module:
Subba, R. (2009). Strategic Management [Including Skill Development]. Himalaya Publishing House. Retrieved as e-book from Trident University's online library. Pp. 52 - 76.
Please open the Trident University IBIS World document and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the "Click Here" hyperlink at the bottom of the page. This will take you to IBIS World, an organization well known for conducting industry level research. Run a search on "Cable" in the search window. You will then see a list of links that will lead you to detailed industry specific report. Please click on Cable Providers in the U.S.
Also take some time to look at what's going on in related industries.
Here are some additional background readings related to macro-level environmental assessment:
Allio, R. J., & Fahey, L. (2012). Joan magretta: What executives can learn from revisiting Michael Porter. Strategy & Leadership, 40(2), 5-10. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Dobbs, M. E. (2012). Porter's five forces in practice: Templates for firm and case analysis. Competition Forum, 10(1), 22-33. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Eskildson, L. E. (2010, Apr 08). 5* Michael Porter's five competitive forces (4/2010). McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Mind tools (n.d.). PEST Analysis: Identifying "Big Picture" Opportunities and Threats. Retrieved from: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_09.htm
Here are some additional readings related to micro-level environmental assessment:
Agarwal, R., Grassl, W., & Pahl, J. (2012). Meta-SWOT: Introducing a new strategic planning tool. The Journal of Business Strategy, 33(2), 12-21. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Coman, A., & Ronen, B. (2009). Focused SWOT: diagnosing critical strengths and weaknesses. International Journal Of Production Research, 47(20), 5677-5689. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Crilly, D. (2012). STAKEHOLDERS: THREAT OR OPPORTUNITY. Business Strategy Review, 23(4), 59-61. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
Helms, M. M., & Nixon, J. (2010). Exploring SWOT analysis - where are we now? Journal of Strategy and Management, 3(3), 215-251. Retrieved from Trident University International library.
You may also refer to the news article readings in Module 1 that provide background regarding the competitive environment faced by Comcast.

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Marketing Management: Analyze the external environment at the macro-level
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