Analyze the emergence and current state of democracy in iran


Analyze the emergence, evolution, and current state of democracy in Iran. Include the following topics in your discussion, and number your answers in the same manner of the questions posed.

Write the exact title of the exam at the very top, and then the following:

Subtopics at the head of each item you discuss.

A. The ancientness of the state and its impact on the ethos and psychology of its citizens;

B. The impact of the West (note the oil/industrial workers at Baku), political parties and the reformers of the late 19th Century;

C. The role of the enlightened Qajar king, Muzaffardin and the granting of the Constitution of 1906;

D. Counter-Constitutionalism and the Constitutional Revolution of 1908-09; The role of the ulema in its support

E. Reign of the Pahlavi king Reza and the post-WWII period;

F. Full democracy; the threat of Communism and the CIA coup d'etat of 1953; the role of the ulema in its demise; the evolution of King Muhammad Reza from a fascist-type leader into a dictator;

G. Revolution of 1978-79;

H. Islamic fundamentalist domination of state: 1980-82; the role of the ulema

I. the Islamic Republic and the two contending Shia ideas of role of the ulema in politics;

J. The current state of democracy in Iran and the "Parallel [political] Institutions."

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History: Analyze the emergence and current state of democracy in iran
Reference No:- TGS03347036

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