
Analyze the elements that form various literary genres



Understand and apply critical reading, thinking, and writing skills to literary works, including short stories, drama, and poetry.

Identify and analyze the elements that form various literary genres.

Analyze and evaluate literary works and websites in writing and discussions.

Demonstrate knowledge of the use of proper sentence construction, and basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your own work and that of your peers.

Write an effective analytical essay about a literary work using correct APA style and providing evidence for the interpretation of the literature.


I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.
-Gilda Radner

Thank you for the dedication and effort you put forth in ENG 1002. You have become better writers from having experienced the rigors of developing substantial, well reasoned analyses of a poem, play, and short story. You also sharpened your critical thinking and reading skills by defending your interpretations in the give-and-take of online discussions. This experience should improve your ability to express and defend your own views.

In future courses, at work, and in your daily life, keep reading, writing, and contributing to the conversation by sharing your insights and analyses, just like you did here in ENG 1002.


The key points :

A key step in learning is reviewing goals and measuring the degree to which they have been met or altered as skills develop and new knowledge is sought

Skills involved in critical analysis and persuasive writing/argumentation transfer to diverse tasks in the workplace

Part A: You are employed as an acquisitions editor at a press that publishes fiction ranging from (you guessed it) poetry to drama to short fiction. From among all the literary texts that you read this session, select one for publication. In a memo to your supervisor, tell why you chose that text.

Consider the following:

Author and title

Overall quality

Genre (poetry, drama, or short fiction)

One or two main ideas, perspectives, or values that you encountered as you read it

The most impressive or engaging feature, i.e. its best attribute, what you like most about it, and/or why other readers will enjoy it Likely audience

How it should be revised before it is suitable for publication

Any other reasons that the press should publish it

Part B: In the memo include suggestions for the cover art. You can develop the cover yourself (a drawing, painting, photograph, graphic, etc.) or use an image from the Internet. (don't forget to provide a citation if you take this option).

Part C: Finally, write a blurb about the text that can be used on the back cover and in catalogs that advertise new publications.

Part D: Put together all the materials into one document. Claims in all parts of the assignment should be substantiated by excerpts from appropriate sources. Quotes, paraphrase, and summary used in the assignment should be arranged according to APA rules of style and in-text and reference citations should be provided, also formatted in APA style.

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Other Subject: Analyze the elements that form various literary genres
Reference No:- TGS02009184

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