Analyze the effects of DraperDraperConsulting's transactions on the accounting equation. Analyze the eventschronologically, one transaction at a time. Beginning with the second transaction on the2nd, calculate the balance in each account after analyzing the effect of the transaction on the accounting equation. After calculating the ending balance of each account on the30th, calculate total assets and total liabilities and equity. (Complete only the necessary answer boxes for your transaction lines.[Donot enter any zeros for your transactionlines.] If an event has no effect on the accountingequation, leave the transaction line blank. Carry down all balances to the"Bal." line, including zero balanceaccounts, entering a"0" for any zero balances. When more than one transaction occurs on the samedate, enter the transactions into the accounting equation in the same order as shown in the question. Enter a decrease in an account with a minus sign or parentheses. Abbreviationsused: A/P= AccountsPayable; A/R= AccountsReceivable; Com.= Common; Contr.= Contributed; Div.= Dividends; Equip= Equipment; Exp.= Expense; Furn.= Furniture; Off.= Office; Rev.= Revenue; Serv.= Service; Sup.= Supplies; Util.= Utilities; Un.= Unearned.)