
Analyze the effectiveness of the tsa-an enforcement


Homeland Security Research

Today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses facial recognition technology and other security procedures to track and monitor suspected terrorists, in an effort to prevent future attacks on the Unites States. Facial recognition is one of many security technologies currently being employed by the TSA. This assignment requires you to discuss the use of biometrics in security and the inherent ethical challenges.


Answer the following questions:

Analyze the effectiveness of the TSA as an enforcement agency? How do you know TSA is effective for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)?

What are the benefits of employing technologies such as full-body scanners, facial recognition, and sensors?

What is the cost to employ such technologies? Is it a means to an end? Analyze what you have read so far and not what you have watched on TV.

What one change would you implement effectively now? Provide budget research and research analysis (Does your idea make for safer air travel?). What would it cost, and can terrorists defeat it?

Are civil liberties and security procedures at odds? Does more security destroy freedoms? Can you somehow improve both in order to live free and vibrant, yet have security from those who want to harm the people?

Prepare a 2- to 3-page paper using APA format, double-spaced Times New Roman, 12 point font. Include the questions or scenario in your paper and citations of your references.

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Business Law and Ethics: Analyze the effectiveness of the tsa-an enforcement
Reference No:- TGS01977459

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