
Analyze the effect of the political economy on trade

1. U5AQ3-

Analyze the effect of the political economy on trade agreements and policy. Analyze the various countries to which the United States actively trades or has an embargo upon. How does this fluctuate with the political economy? Use contemporary examples or examples from history to illustrate your point.

2. U5DBR-

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Globalization has effected trade policy by lowering the tariffs that are associated with the products leaving and entering the country. The lowering of tariffs could be in part to an increase in the overall amount of trade. Technology has enable companies the opportunity to reach new regions throughout the globe thus expanding their operations. The increase in international trade has also helped to raise incomes, create jobs, and lower prices on the products. Globalization has also had a negative impact in the sense that since the global economy is so connected, a recession in one place is can be felt in other places around the world. The current administration has pushed for increase taxes on goods that American companies are producing overseas and then shipping back in. This along with an overhaul on the corporate tax plan has the potential to benefit the U.S. economy depending on how exactly the plan plays out.

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Business Management: Analyze the effect of the political economy on trade
Reference No:- TGS02311175

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