
Analyze the differences in the data from year-to-year and

1. Analyze the differences in the data from year-to-year and identify key changes that have taken place.

2. Write a two-page paper that addresses the following items.

                   - Identify the key changes (line item) that have taken place.

                   - States assumptions regarding why these changes have taken place. Provide a rationale for your assumption using

                     health care financial terms and concepts.

Not-For-Profit Comprehensive Inpatient and Outpatient Health Center Consolidated Statements of Operations and Changes in Net Assets

2012 2011
Operating revenue (losses):

    Net patient service revenues 417,087 405,087
    Other operating revenues 7,797 9,109
    Contribution revenues 2,228 2,054
    (Loss) gain on disposal of assets (54) 1,682
        Net operating revenues ?427,058 ?417,932
Operating expenses:

    Salaries 169,271 158,069
    Registeries 2,652 4,017
    Employee benefis 41,347 39,168
    Supplies 64,595 67,420
    Purchases Services 40,158 37,354
    Interest 9,828 9,943
    Depreciation & Amortization 30,027 22,701
    Provision for uncollectible accounts 14,010 18,639
    Rent, leases, and utilities 13,147 10,195
    Marketing, insurance, taxes, & other 23,890 23,601
        Total operating expenses ?408,925 ?391,107
        Excess of revenues over expenses ?18,133 ?26,825
Non operating revenues, net:

    Investment income 11,340 7,968
        Total nonoperating revenues, net ?11,340 ?7,968
        Excess of revenues over expenses 29,473 34,793
Other changes in unrestricted net assests:

    Net assets released for capital acquisitions 1,032 226
    Change in pension liability (8,765) 4,692
    Change in net unrealized (losses) gains on investments (7,902) 27,196
    Appropriation of endownment assets for expenditure 165 98
    Consolidation of joint venture 2,792 -
        Increase in unrestricted net assets ?16,795 ?67,005
Change in temporarily restricted net assets:

    Contributions 4,139 1,894
    Investment income 145 167
    Change in net unrealized (losses) gains on investments (18) 675
    Net assets released from restrictions (2,426) (1,559)
        Increase in temorarily restrictect net assets ?1,840 ?1,177
Change in permanently restricted net assets:

    Contributions 256 20
        Increase in permanently restricted net assets ?256 ?20
        Increase in net assets 18,891 68,202
Net assets, beginning of year 306,733 238,531
Net assets, end of year 325,624 306,733

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Financial Management: Analyze the differences in the data from year-to-year and
Reference No:- TGS02710393

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