Analyze the delinquent acts-the juvenile delinquents


Please answer each question in detail APA format if needed

Part 1

Find out if your "home" state (where you are from) uses blended sentencing, or if juveniles in your state are always released upon turning a certain age. Use the Internet to search a news source in your home state and locate an article dealing with your state's sentencing guidelines for juveniles. Briefly summarize the article, and then answer the following questions: Is it too harsh? Too lenient? What do you feel is best for your state, and if that method is not used now, how could it be realistically changed?

Give the URL of your article when you post your response

Read the postings of your classmates. Respond to one of your classmates' postings. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Locate a recent juvenile case using the Internet. Analyze the delinquent act(s), the juvenile delinquent(s), and any other social or biological factors that are available.

Post a two paragraph discussion summarizing the article AND explaining which theories apply to the delinquency.

Which theories appear to have the best real-life adaptation, in this case and in other juvenile cases?

Read the postings of your classmates. Respond to one of your classmates' postings. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Ask five or more people which factor they feel is the most important in preventing delinquency: family, schools, peers, or the justice system. Why?

Part 2

How do these four factors interact?

How can the most important one influence the others?

How can it be changed to decrease the rate of delinquency?

Read the postings of your classmates. Respond to one of your classmates' postings. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Using the Internet, look up the cases of Kent v. United States, In re Gault and In re Winship. Write down approximately one paragraph of biological information about each juvenile, including where each is now. Then answer the following questions:

Whom did you find the most sympathetic?

Could you see yourself in the same position s any of these juveniles?

If you were a police officer who was dealing with all three of them, would you consider any of them to be worth rehabilitating? Why or why not?

Read the postings of your classmates. Respond to one of your classmates' postings. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

Part 3

Read Juvenile Drug Court Programs, then answer the following questions:

What led to the existence of juvenile drug courts?

Why are they successful?

Read the postings of your classmates. Respond to one of your classmates' postings. Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

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Business Law and Ethics: Analyze the delinquent acts-the juvenile delinquents
Reference No:- TGS03199903

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