Select the Santa Fe Grill data or one of the other databases provided with this text (see Deli Depot; Remington's; QualKote; or DVD Survey on the Web site), analyze the data using the appropriate statistical techniques, prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your findings, and make the presentation to your research class.
a. Select an appropriate variable from the data set and prepare a simple bar chart of the findings in SPSS.
b. Select an appropriate variable from the data set and prepare a simple pie chart of the findings in SPSS.
c. Select a group of thematically related items that are on metric scales. Present the results in a table and also in a bar chart using SPSS.
d. Find two categorical items that are appropriate for a Crosstab and present your results in a bar chart made with SPSS.
e. Find a categorical independent variable and a metric dependent variable. Present the results in a bar chart made with SPSS.
f. Choose an outcome variable that can be explained by two or more independent variables. Run aregression and then develop a diagram (using PowerPoint or Word) that displays your findings.