
Analyze the cultural environment



Q1. Analyze the cultural environment in which you work. Ask yourself and your co-workers the following questions.

a. Do you feel that your supervisors welcome your ideas and respect them even when they may disagree with them? Do you take pride in your work? Do you feel that your work is appreciated? Do you think that the amount of work assigned to you is reasonable? Are you compensated adequately for your work?

b. Are you proud to be associated with the company? Do you believe what the company says about itself in its advertisements? Are there any company policies or rules, written or unwritten, that you feel are unfair? Do you think that there is an opportunity for you to advance in this environment?

c. How much independence do you have in carrying out your assignments? Are you ever allowed to act on your own, or do you feel that you have to consult with your supervisor on every detail?

d. Do you enjoy the atmosphere in which you work? Is the physical setting pleasant? How often do you get along with your supervisor and co-workers?

e. Do you feel that the company cares about you? Will your supervisor give you time off when you have some pressing personal need? If the company had to downsize, how do you think you would be treated?

Q2 Using the responses to these questions also describe how the culture of your workplace affects your performance and the overall performance of the firm. Point out the cultural factors that have the most beneficial and negative effects. Include your thoughts on how negative effects could be reversed.


1. How is corporate culture likely to affect HP's ability to inte-grate acquired companies into its organizational structure?

2. Analyze HP's use of departmentalization. Why are its choices appropriate for a technology company?

3. Analyze HP's approach to delegation and decentralization. Are its choices appropriate for a technology company? Why or why not?

Developing Critical-Thinking Skills - Culture

For this assignment you are to write a 2 page double spaced paper that includes all of the following, using proper APA citations.

1) Read Developing Critical-Thinking Skills found on page 209 in your textbook.

2) Follow the Assignment questions (page 209) 1a-e, and 2, and answer each question. Your final paper should be about a 2 page paper.

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Business Management: Analyze the cultural environment
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