
Analyze the constitution and bill of rights


There are five (5) tasks for the Legal Project, as follows:

Analysis of the Constitution

Read and analyze the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Choose the institutional power and personal right you would remove, and explain why; and add a power and right that you would include, and explain why. Two to four (2 to 4) pages, double spaced.

Homeland Security Legislative Issues

Write a four to six (4 to 6) page, double spaced, legislative analysis of only 1 of the following bills form the 116th Congress. Your analysis should include consideration of the:

Legislative History;

Agency Involvement;

Cost Implications (CBO Score);

Committee Reports;

Pros and Cons of the legislation;

Recommendation to the head of the agency on implementing the Act;

Grammar and compliance to APA (6th) including citations and reference page;

Double spaced; and

Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Pick only one (1) from the following:

  • H.R. 1593-CLASS Act of 2019
  • House Committee Report 116-25
  • CBO Score H.R. 1593
  • H.R. 1589-CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act of 2019
  • House Committee Report 116-24
  • CBO Score H.R. 1589

Identification of two (2) Post 9/11 Homeland Security Events

As we study this new concept of "Homeland Security," we quickly learn that threats to national security are not new. In fact, the United States faced major threats to its existence even before it was officially a nation. Identify and describe two such events in U.S. history that occurred after September 11, 2001, and explain why this event/threat is similar to a current emerging homeland security event. Four (4) pages, double spaced.

Legal Research Exercise

Beginning with Executive Order (EO) 13873 signed on May 5, 2019, analyze President Trump's declaration of a national emergency in regards to securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain. Your paper should clearly discuss the EO's possible impact on the National Security agenda of protecting citizens from foreign national terrorists while evaluating agency implementation, and the role federal, state, local, and tribal governments to support your argument. All requirements of prompt and format must be met to receive full credit.

Grades are based on the following:

Pros vs cons on the EO;

Recommendation to your superior on the implementation;

What will be the outcome by the Supreme Court, and why;

Four (4) pages;

Grammar and compliance to APA (6th) including citations and reference page;

Double spaced; and

Times New Roman, 12 point font.

Presidential Directive Draft

For this task, you must use the current emerging threat that you identified in part 3 to articulate and format your proposed solution as a Presidential Directive. Use directives supplied in part 2 as an example of how to format the task. One to two (1 to 2) pages, double spaced. Please use APA 6th or 7th edition.

Please use just one document with 5 separate headings. One question I have received is on part 5. Yes you are drafting your very own Presidential Directive based on an emerging threat of your choosing. Please make sure its original.

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Business Law and Ethics: Analyze the constitution and bill of rights
Reference No:- TGS03190015

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