
Analyze the concept of financial reporting for governmental

I need someone to write my outline. He/She can pick any topic from the book. Please let me know ASAP.

The instructions:

D. Research Paper: The research paper should discuss a topic related to fund or non-profit accounting that will be covered in the course. The paper should cover important developments in the topic reported in the academic literature, not simply restate material presented in the text and support one or more of the course learning outcomes stated in this syllabus. Students are required to email the proposed topic and a brief outline of their paper no later than the end of Module 3 for approval by the instructor. The request for approval should state clearly which of the course learning outcomes will be supported by the paper. The paper should be a minimum of 1750 words and no more 2,500. The paper should be written using APA style and include a minimum of one reference citation. The paper is due at the end of Module 7. You must submit your assignment to the appropriate course Dropbox. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)

Textbooks: Ives, M., Patton, T.K. & Patton, S.R. (2013). Introduction to governmental and not-for-profit accounting (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-277601-1; ISBN- 10: 0-13-277601-4

Also these are the learning outcomes that the paper should contain

Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze the concept of financial reporting for governmental and not-for-profit entities.

2. Evaluate budgeting and performance measures for governmental and non-for-profit organizations.

3. Differentiate between governmental operating statement accounts, accounting for general capital assets, capital projects, long-term liabilities, and debt service funds.

4. Contrast accounting for business-type activities for state and local governments, agency, and trust funds.

5. Analyze the auditing processes for governmental and not-for-profit organizations.

6. VALUES OUTCOME: Discuss and explain the relevance of Responsible Stewardship and Integrity as it relates to accounting.

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Finance Basics: Analyze the concept of financial reporting for governmental
Reference No:- TGS01586070

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