
Analyze the companys opportunities-threats-strengths


Select a well-known publicly owned company to research. Then find the latest financial statements and try to learn as much as possible about its top management and board of directors. Further, try to identify its business model and its key competitors. Conduct research on the company using the Secondary sources of Research.

Analyze the company's opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses (SWOT). Prepare a 3 to 4 page typed report of the company to be presented in class. The report should include the following:

a. Does the firm have any core competencies? Are any of these distinctive (better than the competition) competencies?

b. What is the likely future of this firm if it continues on its current path?

c. Does the firm attempt to achieve synergy among functions and business units? (7500 to 1000 word) one od Saudi stock public comany (SAVOLA)

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Business Management: Analyze the companys opportunities-threats-strengths
Reference No:- TGS01845534

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