
Analyze the common elements of compensation packages


Discussion Questions Set 1

Please Read Instructions First: This assignment for discussions questions "does not" require APA style. I have to post to discussion board for an online class. I attached an "example format for discussion questions" so you can see how the discussions questions should be formatted and answered. All work should be original with no plagiarism and in proper English grammar. The responses should include answering the main discussion questions, fully, including proper cites as well. If you use citations, I should be able to look it up online to find where you got it from. (USE ALL AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS, CITATIONS AND RESOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT!) The professor requires that the questions be restated and then answered for the discussion questions. I highlighted the questions in "red, bold, italic and underlined" so you would know exactly which ones to restate and answer. If this is not done, it is his option to deduct formatting points and I could get a "0" for the work. The more in-depth the information is, the better, as long as you fully answer each set of discussions questions. Discussion Questions Set 1 can be two pages or less including restating the questions with citations. Discussion Questions Set 2 can be two pages or less including restating the questions with citations.

Discussion Questions Set 1 "Compensation and Government Regulations" Please respond to the following:

•Compare job-based pay with skill-based pay and provide an example of each. Determine which pay you would prefer. Support your decision.

•Determine how government regulations affect compensation and if the regulations are needed. Support your position with examples.

•Class, there are numerous regulations and laws that impact on compensation and benefits. Such federal laws include FLSA, ERSIA, EPA, Title VII, ADEA and many others. These laws do not include the laws that may be passed by State, or local, governments that impact on compensation. Nor does the list of Federal laws, State or local laws, include the agreements that may be reached through collective bargaining or employment contracts. Let's begin with some basic insights to these different regulatory and laws:

a. Can State, or local law, pass compensation laws that differ from Federal Law, e.g. the FLSA?
b. Which has precedent, a collective bargaining agreement versus Federal, State or local laws/regulations?
c. Can a collective bargaining agreement ever agree to pay less than the minimum wage?
d. What is the difference between regular hours and overtime hours as defined by the FLSA?

Discussion Questions Set 2: "Compensation Packages"

Please respond to the following:

•Examine the common elements of compensation packages. Determine which two elements you believe to be the most motivational to an employee and to you. Support your position.

•Compare team and individual bonuses and incentives. Determine which type of bonuses and incentives you would prefer. Support your position with examples.

•Class, when we discuss compensation we must begin with the basic question is the compensation design equitable? By that I mean does the elements of the compensation design (and elements) meet internal and external equity? Further, does the compensation design/elements meet the needs of the employees, and motivate them? Let's address the equity question. While equity may mean many things to many people what we in HR are concerned about is how the compensation plan compares to be employees in similar situated positions versus comparing employees in similar situated positions external to the firm. This is not only referring to base salary, but encompasses such factors as severance, bonuses, retirement plans, benefits and career development. So, my first question is this, how do you determine and manage internal/external equity?Some, if not all, of us in the class has taken Organizational Behavior, or a similar class. At some point the class probably discussed theories of motivation, such as Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Mayo, or Vroom. Why is the understanding and application of motivational theory important to HR in designing a compensation system?

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Dissertation: Analyze the common elements of compensation packages
Reference No:- TGS02392384

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