
analyze the cases according to principle of

Analyze the cases according to principle of double effect. Read three cases ins attached file and analysis all three cases.

Apply the principle of double effect and compare all three cases

1.       Action must be good-in-itself or indifferent. Is the action good or bad?

2.       The evil effect must not be the cause of the good effect. Does the evil effect cause the good effect? Yes or No? Explain.

3.       The evil effect must not be intended, only permitted. Is the evil effect intended or permitted? Explain.

4.       There must be a proportionately serious reason for permitting the evil effect. Is there? Yes or No? Explain.

5.      Is it morally right to proceed with the action? Yes or No? Explain.

Case: German Chemical Plant

Answer questions below

1.      What is the act?

2.      What is the good effect?

3.      What is the evil effect? 

Four Conditions of Principle of Double Effect with explanation:

Could the German Sales manager be held responsible for (be guilty of) cooperating in evil. If so, which kind of cooperation? Explain your answer.

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Other Subject: analyze the cases according to principle of
Reference No:- TGS0450128

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