
Analyze the case study for this assignment case study 1 on

Analyze the case study for this assignment (Case Study 1 on page 397 of Organizational Change). Based on your analysis, write a 4-5 page report to Terry O'Reilly in which you provide your analysis and recommendations. Note: review the assignment rubric (below) to understand clearly the criteria for this assignment. In this report, include the following:

  • Describe the environmental influences (e.g. the PESTEs) that appear to be affecting this organization.
  • Describe what has gone wrong over the last 3 months.
  • Diagnose what needs to be changed in the organization, including:
    • All relevant environmental drivers
    • The organization's history and strategy
    • The organization's input factors, strategy, and outputs
    • A detailed visual model of the organization
  • Draft a relevant change vision statement for the changes that will take place.
  • Create a plan of action for implementing the change. This plan of action should include:
    • Objectives
    • Actions to be taken
    • Sequence of actions
    • Milestones for completion.
    • Resources needed to complete the plan
    • Potential issues that may arise during implementation
    • A plan for managing the recipients of change
  • Create a plan for measuring the change you are recommending, including:
    • Measures that are linked to the objectives of the change
    • A balanced scorecard outlining the measures
    • A description of how and when the measures will be implemented

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Business Management: Analyze the case study for this assignment case study 1 on
Reference No:- TGS02221929

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