
Analyze the business customers


1. Analyze the business customers / clients that you wish to target. Your analysis should include, but not be limited to, their:

a. demographic profile (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc.)
b. psychographic profile (e.g., interests, routine, habits, etc.)
c. profession (e.g., income, occupation, education)
d. geographic location (e.g., country, region, city, rural, urban, climate)
e. precise wants and needs as they relate to the products and / or services you offer.

2. Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Note: Insert the information from the completed Journal  entry into "Section : Targeting Customers" in the provided Marketing Plan Template

3. This is the paper I used for the information:

4. Dear Mr. Williams,

Have you ever found yourself searching for play activities to do with your son butdo not know exactly what to do? Do you long for a family-friendly atmospherethat's relaxed and yet entertaining for both children and adults? There are only afew places that claim to cater to the father and son but at the man cave day spa weprovide services that our customers demand. We ease the mind, soothe the bodyand entertain the soul of every customer while striving to bring families closertogether.

At the man cave day spa is a full-service facility that caters to fathers,grandfathers, uncles, sons and nephews who are between the ages of eight andabove. We offer manicures, pedicures, shaves, haircuts and a relaxing gamingroom as well as massages and everything else that may relax our man cavers. Wewant you to let go of all your daily stresses as we wait upon your needs and yourson's every desire. We have peaceful music for you to listen to as your moodchanges to a soothing state. You can relax in one of our cozy oversized loungingchairs as we serve you refreshing beverages. Your son is considered to be a littleprince for the day with his father or grandfather beside him.

Our company is beneficial to both father and son because:

The experience will bond the relationship between father and son or grandfatherand grandson, uncle and nephew.

This allows the son, grandson, and nephew to feel extra special by doing the samething father, grandfather, and uncle are doing.

The prices for the man cavers are reasonable. We also have coupons and dailyspecials.

Our location is in a safe environmental atmosphere, and we also haveaccommodating hours of operation.

We here at day spa are striving to meet the needs of our man cavers, but we alsomade a social commitment to serve our surrounding community as well. Forexample we offer haircuts, shaves and gift certificate for a one-time clothingallotment in the sum of 100 dollars for those who qualify and are in need of a jobinterview outfit. We also sponsor a set number of men to become mentors. We alsogive free haircuts for all children that are in need of this service before the first dayof class. Please take a moment to visit our website at www.fatherandsonmancavers.com to read about all of our amazing services weprovide and to sign up for our great daily deals.

We are presenting a special offer to first-time customers; we are cordially invitingeveryone to attend our annual spring into summer explosion event that will be heldon May 24, 2014 at 12 PM there will be refreshments, entertainment and doorprizes and a raffle for special give away. There will also be a very special guestthat I'm sure your son, grandson or nephew will truly enjoy. During this event, wewill answer all of your questions in order to gain your confidence in this servicewe provide. We here at father and son man cavers do its best to make our clientsfeel welcome. We think by coming to father and son man cavers' day spa you havecome to the right place to make memories with your son, grandson, and nephew.

If you need any assistance with anything please feel free to contact me at the day spa at 336- 573- 1025 @ ext 2454 or you may correspond by mail at Father and Son Man Cave Day Spa, 2405 Riverside Court, Charlotte NC 29854.

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Marketing Management: Analyze the business customers
Reference No:- TGS01782920

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