
Analyze specific risks of your companys international

Apple Company Analysis

• Identify your company, its industry, and analyze the important segments (percentage of sales or subsidiaries) of your company compared to its industry and its overall business.

• Perform a complete financial analysis of your chosen company's financial statements-horizontal, vertical (Percentage of Sales and Common-Size), and changes in ratios-for the last two years.

• Compare all ratios to industry averages. Evaluate the company's ratios against the industry averages.

• Explain the significance of the company's ratios when compared to industry averages.

• Analyze the company's cash flows.

• Assess the overall financial health of your company based on this financial analysis.

• Identify and analyze the impact of international trade on the company's financial statements.

• Analyze specific risks of your company's international trade.

• Analyze the current decisions made within the company that have regulatory and tax implications.

• Analyze the current corporate governance and ethical responsibilities in your company.

• Evaluate alternative methods of financing used in your company.

• Overall Conclusion: Present your bottom line regarding this company.

• Consider the various perspectives from different stakeholders: If you were considering investing in this company, would you buy shares?

• If you were considering acquiring this company, what is your decision regarding this company? If you were the CEO, how would you use this information to make tactical and operational decisions?

• If you were a banker, would you lend money to this company?

To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (sixth edition) style and formatting.

• Number of resources: Minimum of 10 references, of which 3 should be academic journals and no more than 2 should be textbooks.

• Length of paper: 10-12 typed, double-spaced pages not including title page, references, tables, graphs, or charts.

• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

You may refer to the following brief outline in preparing your final deliverable.

1. Title Page.
2. Overview of the Company.
3. Key Financial Highlights.

1. Annual Reports.
2. Competitive Standing.
3. Financial Analysis (Horizontal, Vertical, Ratio).

4. International Trade & Risks.
5. SWOT.
6. Conclusion & Recommendation (as an investment, acquisition, expansion or sale).

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Corporate Finance: Analyze specific risks of your companys international
Reference No:- TGS01684957

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