
Analyze role that religion played in ancient civilizations


Topic: Ancient Religion

In Chapters of the course textbook (within MindTap), you have been studying the role that religion played in ancient civilizations.

In this discussion, you will choose two primary source documents and consider the similarities and differences between the religion of the Hebrews (which has greatly influenced Western Civilization), and another ancient religion.

Choose One of the Following to compare with Psalm 8:


Egyptian Book of the Dead: Hymns of Praise to Ra


Incantation to Ishtar (from Mesopotamian Civilization)

Compare and contrast one of the above documents with:

Hymns of Praise to Yahweh - Psalm 8

As you read, look for points of comparison and contrast. Our textbook editors suggest that the Hebrews drew from both Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations (2-1), not only practices of law and society, but also in terms of religious beliefs, going as far as to suggest that the Hebrew people were not truly monotheistic until Moses introduced that idea (2-2). Your initial thread should have a clear thesis statement and should respond to the following questions:

Comparison/Contrast: What are the most telling similarities and differences between the two documents?

Basic analysis: What do you think of the textbook editors' conclusions regarding Hebrew monotheism? (Use Genesis to support your arguments)

Biblical Evaluation: Based on your own understanding of the Bible, Christianity, and the nature of man, what reasons do you think might account for the similarities within the texts? (Provide specific Scriptural support).

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History: Analyze role that religion played in ancient civilizations
Reference No:- TGS03180786

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