
Analyze relationship between gender stereotypes and culture

Examine the relationship between gender stereotypes and culture. Do different cultures have different ideas about what jobs are appropriate for women and what are appropriate for men? Why?

  1. A variety of jobs are listed in the Resources. When you look at each job, do you think of a male or a female? Work quickly, and write down the first response that comes to mind. If it takes you more than a minute to respond to all of the jobs, you are over thinking it.
  2. Find someone who has a different cultural background from yours. Ask that person to do the same task, and write down the responses.
  3. In your paper, answer the following questions:
    • Did you find any patterns in your responses? Do some of these jobs have more traditional masculine/feminine traits?
    • What similarities did you find between your responses and your partner's responses?
    • What differences did you find between your responses and your partner's responses?
    • Do you think cultural backgrounds affected the perceptions that were drawn?
    • What does the research say about minimizing gender stereotypes in the workplace?

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Other Subject: Analyze relationship between gender stereotypes and culture
Reference No:- TGS0533996

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This work is written in Microsoft word that talks about relationship between gender stereotype and culture. Gender roles are generally neither positive nor negative; they are simply inaccurate generalizations of the male and female attributes. Since each person has individual desires, thoughts, and feelings, regardless of their gender, these stereotypes are incredibly simplistic and do not at all describe the attributes of every person of each gender.

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