Analyze point of view and write up your critique of argument


A. Which of Massey's counterpoints to Huntington's arguments did you find most persuasive, and why?

B. What newer methods, not envisioned in your reading, have been developed to demean Latino/as? Provide examples and an analysis of why this example is meant to reduce the social standing of Latinos, how is it meant to cow our community?

C. In your experience, do you as a Latino/a or the Latino/as you know, resist assimilation or, is it that culture in the U.S. no longer has to be Anglo dominated? Perhaps both? Give examples in your answer, make a persuasive case for your position.

D. A search of news articles or think pieces from online sources that discuss Latino assimilation, in some form. Then analyze their point of view, and write up your critique of their argument. Do they see Latino immigration as a threat, do they see Latinos as unassimilable? Are they too narrow in their view of how Latino/as should be assimilating?

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History: Analyze point of view and write up your critique of argument
Reference No:- TGS03346979

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