Analyze pathological and physiological changes

Assignment task: Report and summary of findings for the skeletal remains

Great but not in report format like Purpose, Methodology, conclusion etc...  Please resubmit amd notify me for full credit consideration.

The purpose of this report is to be able to identify the sex, age and height of the victim based on the skeleton bones. We have studied and gone through the entire human skeleton, and we are to apply that knowledge by examining the bones that were provided. As a group we picked victim A and did our own observation and this is what we found.

Firstly, based on the pelvic bone that was provided we found the victim was female due to the shape of the obturator foramen shape, sciatic notch, and ilium.  We also noted the sacrum is wider as well as the degree of the pubic arch which is greater than 90 degrees. Pelvic inlet shape is circular which is the entrance to the birth canal.

Secondly, we determined the sex and age of victim A by looking at the skull provided. The victim's skull is slender as well as supraorbital ridge and occipital protuberance. Victim A had a short-shaped mastoid process and V-shaped mandible thus leading us to the conclusion that the skeleton bones were of a female.

Thirdly, we moved on to other part of the skeletal bones and found the victim must have been about 40-50 years old because all sacral vertebrae are fused, there are no intervertebral discs. We also noted anterior 1/3 of the sagittal suture and the lower half of coronal suture are visible. The posterior 1/3 of the sagittal is not visible therefore it ruled out the possibility of the Victim being 40 years or so.

Moving on to appendicular skeleton where in this case a femur was discovered. To come up with the height of the victim first determine the length of femur in cm and inputting  the number into the female height equation and then  convert our calculated height into inches. Part of the activity we took measurement of each individual femur in cm and inputting into the female height equation. We finally composed our own regression.

Lastly, we analyzed pathological and physiological changes. We were to observe pictures provided and rule out what kind of fracture were done and concluded to an Inferred Pathology or trauma.

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Other Subject: Analyze pathological and physiological changes
Reference No:- TGS03406775

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