
Analyze online learning preparedness inventory


Getting to Know the Online Learner

Each student begins a class with certain learning experiences, expectations, and needs that the instructor should be aware of and sensitive to in the design and teaching of his or her class. The concepts of learner readiness and learner characteristics that may predict success are especially relevant in the context of online learning. Online learning readiness inventories help the learner determine if he or she has the technical skills, personal attributes, and understanding of online learning to be a successful online learner. These inventories also help the instructor understand his or her own learning preferences and biases, which may influence design choices and inform decisions. To experience the power of online learning preparedness inventories, you will:

Complete your own personal online preparedness inventory. Review the online learning preparedness inventories provided in this week's Learning Resources or explore the Internet to find another inventory. Choose one inventory and complete it. Note: You will submit a copy of the inventory with your completed assignment, so be sure your document includes the name of the inventory and URL of the website from which you obtained it.

Analyze your online learning preparedness inventory for the following:

Self-directedness and time management

Technology and computer skills

Personal cognitive and learning style, and preferences

Instructor to student interaction preferences

Student to student interaction preferences

Study habits

Prepare an analysis paper of your results based on self-direction, learning preferences, study habits, and technology and computer skills. Describe how these findings might influence your design and teaching strategies in the online learning environment. Be sure to support your analysis with references

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Other Subject: Analyze online learning preparedness inventory
Reference No:- TGS01952257

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