
Analyze one selected clip from the cinematography section

Assignment task:

1. Fruitvale Station (1/10) Movie Clip - Helping Kate (2013)

2. Analyze one selected clip, paying close attention to the use of editing in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the transitions and note the type of transitions used between specific shots and the overall effect this has on the scene.

3. Moonrise Kingdom (3/10) Movie Clip - Running Away Together (2012) HD Links to an external site.

4. Analyze one selected clip from the "Cinematography" section, paying close attention to the use of cinematography in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way specific shots are composed, paying attention to the camera angles, types of shots, framing, color, and the overall effect this has on the scene.

5. Evaluate the dramatic impact of each of these two scenes and interpret each scene based on your analysis. In your view what mood, symbolism, or meaning results from the scene's creative editing and cinematography?

6. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) or scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources.

7. Analyze one selected clip from the "Cinematography" section, paying close attention to the use of cinematography in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way specific shots are composed, paying attention to the camera angles, types of shots, framing, color, and the overall effect this has on the scene.

8. Evaluate the dramatic impact of each of these two scenes and interpret each scene based on your analysis. In your view what mood, symbolism, or meaning results from the scene's creative editing and cinematography?

9. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) or scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources.

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Other Subject: Analyze one selected clip from the cinematography section
Reference No:- TGS03384880

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