
Analyze ode to a nightingale and the darkling thrush poem

Topic: ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ (John Keats) and ‘The Darkling Thrush’ (Thomas Hardy):


“These two poems present encounters with nature, but the two poets handle those encounters differently. In a well-organized essay, distinguish between the attitudes (toward nature, toward the solitary individual, etc.) expressed in the poems and discuss the techniques that the poets use to present these attitudes. Be sure to support your statements with specific references.”

Introduction, conclusion and two bodies. Will send you plan. Each body needs a topic sentence and at least 3 PEAA’s ( Point’s (relating back to topic sentence), Evidence (Evidence of this point. Quote integrated into sentence.)

Analysis (Analysis of this evidence. Each analysis needs literary devices commented on and their use). Be sure to answer essay question. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS STRUCTURE PRECISELY. PARAGRAPH, TOPIC SENTENCE, EVIDENCE, ANALYSIS, ANALYSIS. (Evidence must include quotation, and analysis discussion of relevance of quotation. Must discuss literary devices used in analysis.)



– text name, author, text type

– Sign post (what you’ll write about)

Keats’ Attitude:

– Environment
– Emotion
– Death

Hardy’s Attitiude

– Life/death/mortality (approach to
– Theme of hope
– Change in perspective


‘Ode to a Nightingale’ (John Keats) and ‘The Darkling Thrush’ (Thomas Hardy):

These two poems present encounters with nature, but the two poets handle those encounters differently.  In a well-organized essay, distinguish between the attitudes (toward nature, toward the solitary individual, etc.) expressed in the poems and discuss the techniques that the poets use to present these attitudes.  Be sure to support your statements with specific references.

Topic sentence relate back to question, point relate back to TS

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Reference No:- TGS01436964

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