
Analyze marketing situations - evaluate and apply advanced

Global Marketing Paper

America exports more than $1.7 trillion in goods and services each year. The U.S. is the world's leading exporter of farm products. Chemicals, office machinery, computers, automobiles, aircraft, and industrial machinery make up almost half of all nonagricultural exports. Marketing is a global proposition and a growing trend.

The purpose of this assignment is to explore how companies need to adjust to the world of global marketing.
The learning outcome areas associated with this assignment are global marketing, critical thinking, use of discipline specific knowledge and perspectives. Keep this in mind as you develop your paper.

Learning Objectives:
• Analyze marketing situations.
• Evaluate and apply advanced marketing and ethics theories to research.

Global Marketing Issues List:
• Marketing to Third World Nations

• Advertising in Multinational World

• Ethics in Marketing (bribes, censorship...)

• Societal Value Differences

• Cultural Differences (colors, symbols..) 

• Distribution Issues

• Fear of Globalization (job loss, outsourcing...)

• Effect on World Economy (tariffs, dumping...)

• Protection of Intellectual Property

To Do:
1. Select one of the topics from the above list.

2. Explore this area through research to gain expertise on the issue so you can integrate the marketing concepts discussed in the text to the global marketing issue.

3. You must cite 3 resources.

4. Develop and write your paper - 2 pages 11 point type, single spaced with footnoted citations.

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Business Management: Analyze marketing situations - evaluate and apply advanced
Reference No:- TGS01571744

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