This assignment assesses Competency 5: Analyze managerial decision-making and control within the context of international operations.
Consider and explain Nokia’s strategy to mitigate risks and improve their relationships with China, when referring to the “Internet Exercise: Nokia in China” on page 363 in the textbook. Complete this assignment by answering the following questions:
1) What political risks does Nokia face in Asia, particularly China?
2) How can Nokia manage these risks?
3) How can effective international negotiating skills be of value to the firm in reducing its political risk and increasing its competitive advantage in this area of the world?
Write a one to two-page paper summarizing your findings. The written summary should be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. You will need to cite your sources of information (at least three) at the end of your paper. Though the paper need not be in APA format, the citations at the end do. One of those three citations may be from the Luthans and Doh textbook, and one citation may come from an online website. However, at least one of these three citations should be from the NAU Online Library. You will need to conduct independent research using the Business Databases Subject Guide on the NAU Online Library.