
Analyze literary works from the approved list of prompts

English Assignment: Introduction to Literature


Thank you for resubmitting your paper so I could read it without bias. I did read the feedback after I finished with your paper and we did focus on similar areas. Please be sure to follow the specific suggestions your feedback tutor provided.

Your draft of the final analysis shows promise. Clarifying and honing your thesis statement is the first step in moving to improve your draft. Clearly following the pattern for essay writing - introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion - is crucial. Two academic sources are required to fulfill the requirements of this assignment as well. Please note my comments on your paper for additional suggestions.

One important issue is that many unique words and phrases you use are matches to a previously submitted student paper. I am not suggesting intentional plagiarism, but please take care to clearly cite any words or materials your used that were taken from another source. I have attached a copy of the TURNITN Originality Report for you to review.

Pat L.

Please note: The date on the feedback report is 4/26. I assume you submitted it 4/25. That would mean your paper was initially submitted one day late, necessitating a 10% deduction for a late submission. Please let me know if I am in error or if there were special circumstances requiring a late submission.

Analyze Literary Work(s) From the Approved List of Prompts

Basic - Provides a limited analysis of literary work(s) from the approved list of prompts and/or includes plot summary and/or personal reflection. The three key points from the proposal are minimally developed and vaguely supported by the analysis. Relevant details are underdeveloped.


You have a promising start to your analysis here, though when you revise you might develop critical thought with more depth and detail.

Your revision should also flesh out more fully the three key ideas you articulated in your proposal.

Thesis Statement

Basic - Thesis statement is present, and somewhat provides a direction and purpose to the essay.


You have a working thesis here; however, it is quite vague and broad. Take time to revise your thesis, narrow its focus, and include detail that articulates a clear, analytical direction.

Body Paragraphs and Topic Sentences

Basic - The body paragraphs contain general topic sentences that are minimally related to the thesis. Details are unclear.

Your body paragraphs show a lot of promise. To improve them, remember to build your own original analysis from the quotes that you incorporated. Also, be sure that your topic sentences clearly state the main idea of each body paragraph. Otherwise, nice work!


Basic - The conclusion minimally reaffirms the thesis statement and summarizes the direction and purpose of the essay; however, the conclusion is underdeveloped.

While your conclusion is close to being complete, remember to continue developing its content before submitting your Final Paper. Aim to write at least seven to eight sentences so that your readers have a greater appreciation of your main argument.

Apply Literary Elements and Other Course Concepts

Below Expectations - Attempts to apply literary techniques and other course concepts to the primary source(s) to present an interpretation of the work(s); however, significant details are greatly underdeveloped.

You do not incorporate literary techniques in your essay, which is required by the assignment. When you revise, be sure to select three techniques, describe them, and use them to help you interpret the literary work.

Incorporation of Research

Below Expectations - Incorporates very little research and does not include paraphrases or quotes from the primary and secondary sources. The research is significantly underdeveloped.

You have applied some of your research to your analysis, but can incorporate more scholarly source material in support of your thesis. You can also incorporate examples from the literary work to help clarify your meaning.

Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.


While your paper does not have many spelling and grammar errors, those that are present distract from your overall message. In the future, please make sure to check these elements before submitting your assignments.

Ideas cannot be communicated effectively if they are poorly written. The Ashford Writing Center offers resources to assist in developing writing skills.

Written Communication: APA Formatting

Basic - Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.

Written Communication: Page Requirement

Proficient - The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages.

Written Communication: Resource Requirement

Below Expectations - Uses an inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly.

Attachment:- Proof-Read-Literary-Analysis.pdf

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Analyze literary works from the approved list of prompts
Reference No:- TGS02351276

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