
Analyze key elements using addie analyze design develop

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Develop the training, even if it means using made up data and information.

Select a small business with which you are familiar. I recommend not using churches, because they don't have the business structure you need for this assignment. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal (high level) for the business. Basically, you are going to identify a training need and then develop training (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate = ADDIE) to address it.

We are not getting into the weeds or finer details, but enough that I can see you know what you are talking about. (Use this opportunity to introduce your company)

1. Analyze key elements using ADDIE (analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate) of training and development geared toward improving the performance of the specific small business for which you are consulting.

This paragraph(s) should start with the analysis to identify a training need. Then you develop training to address that need by taking it through the design, development, implementation and evaluation phases.

You are basically providing an overview on how you would accomplish these actions. This information will provide the foundation for answering number 4 below.

2. Predict three to five (3-5) potential challenges that the managers or owners of the business could face in addressing organizational performance. Choose from below.

a) Aligning training with business strategy

b) Advances in technology

c) Changing demographics

d) Quality & Continuous Improvement

e) Legal issues

f) Equal opportunity

g) Liability for injury & illness

h) Confidentially

3. Justify the effects of detecting organizational gaps in small business, providing examples to explain the rationale. What happens if you don't detect gaps? What are the benefits of detecting gaps?

4. Propose a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of the business in the market. Use the information from analyzing key elements above to complete this section. The strategy should include, at a minimum, overview/agenda of training activities, instructional strategies selected, rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy.

HINT: Use tables to present agendas, schedules, budgets and so forth helps the reader and makes the information stand out.

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Dissertation: Analyze key elements using addie analyze design develop
Reference No:- TGS02169679

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