
Analyze interplay between spatial and temporal relationships

Assignment Task: Essay

Learning Outcome:

A) Precise observation of form and style, using recognized terminology, aware of their contribution to the text.

B) The ability to situate textual analysis in appropriate academic frameworks demonstrating an understanding of key critical debates in the study of form and style.

C) Evidence the above using a wide range of relevant academic sources and appropriate analytical tools.

D) Present the above with coherent argument and structure, and clarity of writing and presentation.

Essay Questions:

Question 1: "Good editing [...] results from the editor's intuition In choosing the right length of each shot, the right rhythm of each scene, the right moment for cutting to create the right spatial, temporal, visual, and rhythmic relationships between shots A and B" (Barsam). Discuss in relation to one of the following:

Part (a) Explain why Don't Look Now is seen as an example of associative editing or

Part (b) Analyze the rhythmic relationships within any one text from Block 2 or

Part (c) Analyze the spatial relationships within any one text from Block 2 or

Part (d) Analyze the temporal relationships within any one text from Block 2 Of

Part (e) Analyze the interplay between spatial and temporal relationships from Block 2 or (0 Compare examples of graphic matching: gat example each from Ma texts from Block 2.

Question 2: Altman described as "fallacies" the ways in which critics created a hierarchy In which the image was more important than sound: Instead, there Is a process ''whereby the Sound asks. 'where?" and the image responds, 'herel- Challenge these "fallacies" by critically assessing film scholarship on sound and/or music and explaining which scholar's) provide the best way forward. Support this with discussion of sound and/or music in any one text from Block 2.

Question 3: Analyze the ways in which sound conveys Morvem's subjectivity in Mon/ern Collor. (Your answer may include the ways in which sound design uses music but this is not compulsory.)

Question 4: Critically assess the "endless tirclIngs, recirclings, and suspensions' (Sullivan) In Bernard Hermann's music for Vertigo.

Question 5: Analyze the ways in which gne text from Block 2 uses sound to convey place and theme. (Your answer must ma discuss music.)

Question 6: Analyze and critically situate one recurring musical motif in any one text from Block 2.

The following questions are also available for Essay 2 (but require you to discuss different elements of style and form), so make sure that if you answer one of these questions for Essay 1. you do not also answer It for Essay 2:

Question 7: "Grounding writing about film in observable detail should be fundamental" (Gibbs and Pye). Critically assess the contribution that Style and meaning makes to our ability to answer the question 'How and why do we write about style and form? Demonstrate your understanding of this with a case Study of the following aspects of film form and style In gut text from Block 2:

(a) Editing a

(b) Sound or

(c) Music or

(d) Any two of the above in combination.

Question 8: "Statistical style analysis is (...) the quantification of style" (Olliver). Conduct statistical style analysis of editing in one of the following ways:

(a) Observe changes in style within any text from Block 2 or

(b) Compare style In two texts from Block 2.

Question 9: Write your own analysis of one Sequence from grig text from Block 2 In the style of an article for the Journal Movie. Your answer must make close reference to methods used by scholars in Movie since 2010 and explain why the movie tradition of film criticism is making a comeback. Restrict your analysis to:

(a) Editing or

(b) Sound or

(d) Music or

(e) Any two of the above in combination.

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