
Analyze how your style impacts your performance in the


BLOG 2 - Using the Kolb article, define your learning style. Analyze how your style impacts your performance in the class. What changes to the class would help to better align the course with your leaning style and why? Please provide specific examples.800words

JOURNAL 2 - Reflect on the following five questions: 1) what did you learn from the module; (2) what is unclear from the module; and (3) one part of the class that contributed to your learning; (4) one suggestion to improve the class learning climate; and (5) how the class relates to your personal life or professional career. Please be specific and comprehensive in your responses.500words


1.An Academy Classic On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B by Steven Kerr.

2. Learning Styles and Learning Spaces: Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education by ALICE Y. KOLB and DAVID A. KOLB.

Text Book: Introduction to International Organizational Behavior.

Chapter 2: Understanding Individual Behavior in Organizations.


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Business Management: Analyze how your style impacts your performance in the
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