
Analyze how this field experience could have been made

The Field Experience and final Power Point Presentation are designed to demonstrate that you have mastered the MPH program outcomes and are able to apply the knowledge and skills that you gained through the program to the activities of public health practice. The assignments in the earlier modules were designed to provide you with an opportunity to think about your Field Experience in relation to the program and your future career plans.

Those assignments also allowed you to develop solid first drafts of the different sections of your final paper. The PowerPoint required for this assignment should be a polished final version of your previous work (which incorporates instructor feedback from previous drafts) and should demonstrate mastery of the skills gained from the MPH program. The skills demonstrated should include ethical scholarship and professional writing suitable for publication.

Think of this Power Point as a portfolio item that you might show to a potential employer as evidence of your experience in the field. You must include in-text citations in the NOTES section of the PPT for each areas to demonstrate synthesis of research and evidence-based learning. The PowerPoint should be no less than 25-40 slides based on content needed above.

The following sections are required: Section 1: Abstract The final abstract should be a complete, professional abstract. It should include all the following sections: Description of the issue(s) addressed.

Description of the organization/field site. Description of work/project in which you participated. Discussion of lessons learned. Discussion of the results of your work and evaluation of the success of the project. A good way to begin writing an abstract is to write a couple of sentences summarizing each section of the paper.

The PPO should be understandable to both experts and laypeople. Limit the amount of technical jargon you use and explain it where possible. Always use the full term before you refer to it by acronym [for example, Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP). In the professional world, readers usually read the abstract first to determine whether or not to invest the time to read the entire paper. You should try to make your abstract compelling enough that the reader will want to read the entire paper.

This is particularly true in the world of publishing. Abstracts are written in block format (no paragraph indentations) and are usually approximately 200-300 words long. Check with your instructor for the appropriate length for your abstract. Section 2: Description of the Organization/Field Site

The Organization Profile is intended to reflect your understanding of the site based on your experience. Make sure you include the following: List the name and location of the organization, division, or department in which you worked. Identify the site supervisor and give name and title.

Identify the project supervisor and give name and title, if different from site supervisor. Locate and describe your position in the organization. Briefly explain the reason you chose this agency and project.

Explain the mission/purpose and goals of the field experience site/organization.

Briefly describe the number and type of projects/services that the organization supports. Briefly explain the organizational structure (e.g., organization chart, departments, qualification or background of key professionals, if appropriate).

Describe the programs and services offered. Explain the population(s) served including pertinent demographic/census information. Identify the relationship of this organization to other regional, state, or national organizations.

Explain the factors determining policies and programs and the ability of the organization to fulfill its mission such as trends, recent changes internally or externally that might enhance or hinder the ability to proceed as planned.

Section 3: Description of work/project in which you participated Describe your involvement in the project. Make sure you: Analyze the project and its goals. Describe the public health problem this project is designed to address and how the project addresses that problem. Describe population/group in need of the program or service.

Describe the organizational response to problem. Analyze the theoretical underpinnings (if available) of the problem and the project. Explain your role within this project. Make sure you compare and contrast your role at the beginning, middle, and end of the Field Experience.

Section 4: Self Evaluation of the Field Experience The evaluation is a reflection on the field experience itself. Be sure your evaluation is based on your entire Field Experience and point out any ways your evaluation may have changed or matured through the time you worked at the site.

This section should demonstrate reflection on the experience and your ability to synthesize the Field Experience and the MPH program training to better understand the practice of public health.

The evaluation may be made available, with permission, to students considering a Field Experience at this site in the future. Consider and try to include what you would have liked to know about this site when you started that you do know now.

Areas to be addressed include: Evaluate your success (or struggles) in achieving the learning objectives and scope of work. Describe how project objectives were met. If they were not met, explain why. Describe how and where program outcomes were applied. Analyze the key competencies and skills you developed or applied throughout the field experience.

Discuss any unexpected accomplishments. Analyze the impact of the experience on your personal and professional development. Identify resources and contacts you developed for future use.

Analyze how this Field Experience could have been made better. Provide recommendations to future students preparing for a Field Experience: What would you do differently?

What were you glad you did? Section 5: Citations and Reference List Place citations as appropriate in the Notes section. Include a complete reference list for the entire paper as MS Word attachment. Make sure the page and all references are in APA format.

Develop a Power Point Presentation using APA formatting and style. The slide notes should contain the references and scholarly write up. Use a title page to designate each component required in the PPT.

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Dissertation: Analyze how this field experience could have been made
Reference No:- TGS02883872

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