
Analyze how the major ethical systems have relevance to

Assignment 1-

In chapter 4, Mark Hamm discusses whistleblowers. In what types of cases does he think whistleblowing is unjustified? In your view, which is more important in justifying whistleblowing---the motivations of the whistleblower, or the circumstances from which the whistleblowing arises? MINIMUM 2 PAGES, not to include your ABSTRACT, TITLE PAGE, AND REFERENCES

Assignment 2 Discussion Board-

Discuss the responsibilities and challenges of judges in the criminal justice system. Explain the role of law enforcement in a democracy including the use of authority, power, force, and persuasion. Discuss the role that discretion, authority, and power play in corrections. Analyze how the major ethical systems have relevance to issues in criminal justice. Find two refereed journal articles to support your discussion post.

When citing, please use APA style. Please elaborate on your answer.


The discussion board participation grade will be determined by the following categories:

• Post responses that adequately address the assigned topic.
• Proper grammar, sentence structure, and sources are required in your communications on the discussion board.
• The posts must be formatted according to the APA manual.
• All posts are due on the listed date, NO LATE WORK.
• Participate in meaningful discussion in the forums with three of your peers.
• You cannot use "I agree" or "I disagree."
• Post must be a minimum of 150 words.


Close, D. & Meier, N. (2003). Morality in criminal justice: An introduction to ethics.Belmont, CA. Wadsworth Publishing.

Assignment 1 Disscussion Board-

Discussion Instructions:. Be sure to: 1) Identify any sources you use in your post, 2) properly cite any sources, and 3) use APA format.

Your "substantive" initial response should be a minimum of 300 words, excluding references at the end.

Topic: When analyzing related data variables, how can one tell which one is the independent variable and which one is the dependent variable? Give a business example to support your discussion.

Textbook for BUS3580 Only:

Lind, D. A., Marchal, W.G. & Wathen, S.A. (2015). Statistical techniques in business and economics (16th ed.).Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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Dissertation: Analyze how the major ethical systems have relevance to
Reference No:- TGS02388765

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