Analyze how the information affects how you see yourself

Homework: Ethnic Study Paper

Length: 8 pages.

Chosen Topic- Immigration.

This paper is designed to allow you to analyze both an intellectual understanding of the information in the module. More importantly, I look for you to analyze what this class has meant to you on a personal level. In this sense, the paper is part intellectual and part self-reflective. This means you must write from the person I perspective. I want you all to take the time to understand the significance of what you have learned. I also hope you can find yourself adopting a new perspective of reinforcing a previous perspective. This homework is also about feelings. I look for you to take a chance to explore your feelings-past and present and how do your feelings relate to what you learn.

You treat this as a research paper with you like the topic of research. This means there needs to be a working thesis either explicit or implicit.
Select one or two related concepts and how these concepts affect your perceptions about you and/or society.

I will be evaluated on both intellectual understanding and the personal impact.

I will look for definitions of the terms or concepts used in the paper taken from the readings.

You can include sources from other modules. You can bring in outside sources, but be aware Wikipedia and and sites like these are not considered credible sources. The additional sources must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. You must provide works cited page if you bring in outside sources. However, make sure you use quotation marks and cite the author or the essay for any quotes used in your paper.

The three basic ideas to address

I have broken down three keys ideas I look for in this paper.

a. What has affected you, how has it affected you, and why is the effect significant. Some less skilled writers may want to use these as subheadings in your paper. Most students write about what impacted them but not the other two. Be careful about this.

b. What: What is/are the topic(s) in the module that affected you? I look for your intellectual understanding of what topic(s) affected you. I look for quotes from multiple sources and definitions of terms.

c. How: How have these topics affected you? I look for an analysis of the changes the topics have had on you or your beliefs. How have your ideas changed or how are you interacting with others differently?

d. Why: Why is the change significant? I look for an analysis of why this impact is significant in your life or in your ideas. I look for an analysis of why is the topic so meaningful in the changes you have gone through?

There are three basic ways to approach the personal:

a. Analyze how the information affects how you see yourself
b. Analyze how the information affects how you see society
c. Analyze how the information has allowed you to understand an experience you had
d. Opinion vs. Self-Refection
e. This is where many students have problems with this writing homework. They feel stating their opinion is the same as self-reflection.

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Analyze how the information affects how you see yourself
Reference No:- TGS03207679

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