
Analyze how the chinese culture will impact the planning of

The Event

JSRRes has contracted your event planning company to set up a Computer Security Conference to be held at the Beijing Jade Palace Hotel for approximately 600 guests (300 from abroad and 300 Chinese guests). The purpose of the meeting is to discuss current threats, future threats, and tools used to deter/defend/protect, computers, software/intellectual property with their Chinese counterparts and other special guests. The conference is a 2-day event ending with their security awards dinner featuring a key note address from the CEO of JSRRes (a major global software company) as well as the Chinese Director of the JSRRes Research Lab located in Beijing. In your analysis, you may want to consider some of the following areas:

Chinese culture etiquette/protocol- Analyze how the Chinese culture will impact the planning of this event. The following are two websites that will get you started in understanding the Chinese culture.

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Other Subject: Analyze how the chinese culture will impact the planning of
Reference No:- TGS01118584

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