
Analyze how the change in structure


As highlighted in this reading, pathologies to the elbows, wrists, and hands are a common experience. Some of you may have even encountered such conditions or injuries first-hand or know of an individual who has.

Choos one of the subsequent cases and related pathology:

James M., a 42-year old male, who loves to play racquet ball and golf in his spare-time, complains about pain in his left elbow. After consulting his physician, he was diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis.

Lori U., a 24-year old female, has experienced a painful fall while skiing; she is complaining of extreme pain in her left elbow, which is also swollen. Lori is unable to bend her left arm. The diagnosis of elbow dislocation is made by the Emergency Care Physician.

Helen K., a 55-year old female patient with diabetes complains about ongoing pain, tingling, and numbness in her right hand. After a nerve conduction study was performed, her physician diagnosed her with carpal tunnel syndrome.

John S., an 82-year old male, recently fell and is now complaining of pain when flexing his left wrist. He also experiences swelling and tenderness. After being examined by his physician and having undergone an x-ray, he was diagnosed with a Colles' fracture.

Assess common causes for your selected pathology.

Research a video (AU Library via Films on Demand or another multimedia source of your choice), which includes captioning and educates your peers about the pathology you selected above. Include a description on how to access the video or include the direct link to your selection within your discussion forum posting.

Analyze how the change in structure can impact your selected person's function on a daily basis. How might the patient in the case study compensate in order to accomplish normal activities?


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Other Management: Analyze how the change in structure
Reference No:- TGS01838711

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