
Analyze how tesla trades technological inputs money method

Business Model Design: Lessons Learned from Tesla Motors By Yurong Chen, Yannick Perez

Using library and Internet resources, and field visit to Tesla outlet,

a) Analyze how Tesla trades technological inputs (money, method, machine) using market taking model, and then sets expectations for market seeking values in order to gain differentiated access to the type of money, method and machine it wants for its market making.

b) Analyze how Tesla takes a market exchange relationship with its stakeholder entities (workforce, vendors, customers), and then sets expectations for market seeking values in order to gain cost-effective access to the type of manpower, material power, and marketing power it wants for its market making.

c) Analyze how Tesla services values that market takes as market making, and then sets expectations for market seeking ecosystem governance values (operating, leading, and stewarding) in order to grow the white ocean opportunities, beyond the blue ocean of just sports cars.

Include your citations in APA format. Your analysis should be around 450 words - 150 words for each question.

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Operation Management: Analyze how tesla trades technological inputs money method
Reference No:- TGS02757757

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