In a short paper (2 pages), please address each of the topics below with a 2-3 paragraph narrative for each section.
1. Course Content: Describe the most important aspects of this course for you with respect to the content that was covered or activities in which you participated. Discuss the relevance and value or the practicum assignment with respect to your knowledge acquisition.
2. Application of Course Content: Describe how you applied what you learned in this course at your workplace. Discuss how this course may have impacted your specific job, techniques you used at work, or other relevant aspects that show how what you learned was linked to your job.
3. Job Experience Integration: Describe how your work experiences were used in the classroom and attributed to your performance in the course. Discuss how integrating your work experiences in class activities assisted in understanding topics discussed within the course.
Course Description:
In this course, students examine the role of security policies, standards and procedures in addressing business and technical risks. Students evaluate the importance of information assurance policies and deployment plans as part of the comprehensive strategic plan and operational objectives of the enterprise.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course students will be able to:
• To analyze how legislation mandates the need for policy.
• To identify policy requirements within a given environment.
• To develop policy statements that meet the identified needs.
• To formulate an implementation strategy for the policy
• To analyze the threats organizations face in their information technology platform
• To develop an understanding of current counter measures able to protect the organization's information technology platform.
Reflective Paper
Students are required to submit a short reflective paper at the end of the course in which they identify the relevance of the course materials and learning to the workplace. Students are encouraged to identify direct links between course topics to specific work situations or experiences occurring during the academic term.