Assignment Task:
Respond to at least two colleagues by providing respectful feedback on their plans for learning about the leadership style preferences of staff and adapting their style to fit. Need Assignment Help?
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Post an analysis of how different leadership styles can be beneficial. Select the leadership style that you least identify with and describe one positive attribute of this style. How might you integrate this attribute into your leadership?
Leadership style is the behaviors of leaders and how they act towards followers (Northhouse, 2020). Furthermore, unlike personality traits leadership styles can overlap (Northhouse, 2020). There are three types of leadership styles which include authoritarian, democratic and laissez-fair (Northhouse, 2020). Authoritarian leadership styles are defined by leaders who feel their followers need direction and guidance. Those with an authoritarian leadership style emphasize that they are in charge and do not encourage communication amongst members but prefer directing communication (Northhouse, 2020). In contrast, democratic leadership styles believe followers can complete work on their own. Additionally, leaders work with followers and seek to guide rather than direct (Northhouse, 2020). Furthermore, followers are seen as equals that work together to reach personal goals (Northouse, 2020).Outcomes of democratic leadership styles tend to have greater member satisfaction, and group mindedness. While most effective, democratic leadership can be time consuming, and the work may not always be efficient (Northhouse, 2020). Laissez-faire leadership style is seen as having minimal influence. Little to no attempt is made to appraise of evaluate the progress of followers which can result in negative outcomes such as limited work being accomplished due to lack of direction (Northouse, 2020). While there are cons to laissez-faire leadership style, some followers who are more driven may benefit from its freedom (Northouse, 2020). While all these styles are different, they are each beneficial in their own way. Additionally, through understanding our own philosophy of leadership, which is our attitudes and beliefs about people's nature and work our personal leadership styles can be identified (Northhouse, 2020). The leadership style that I least identify with is authoritarian. As previously mentioned, authoritarian leadership style feels their follows require direction and guidance and encourage little to no communication. However, components of an authoritarian leadership that I could incorporate within my leadership style would be providing more guidance to ensure that followers are fully aware of the goals. This would be beneficial in increasing efficiency (Northhouse, 2020). Additionally, while I have confident in my followers, by observing them more I can recognize areas needed for additional support and fill those gaps.
Then, explain how you would learn about the needs of your team and the leadership style they prefer to work under. Based on what you learn, to what extent would you adapt your leadership style?
To learn about the needs of my team and the leadership style they would prefer to work under I would keep an open line of communication where members can feel free to share and express themselves. I would lead by example, presenting with integrity, socialbility and intelligence which are leadership traits that I possess. Furthermore, as my responses to the questionnaire suggest that I have an equal balance between being task oriented and concerns of dealing with people, I would adapt my leadership style in the favor of the needs of the group or task. As different groups require different things it is important that we do not get stuck in one form of leadership but being able to change and adapt for the overall good of those we are leading.
Northouse, P. G. (2020). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). SAGE.
Post an analysis of how different leadership styles can be beneficial. Select the leadership style that you least identify with and describe one positive attribute of this style.
Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization. (McKinsey and Company 2024) However, to succeed in being effective in leadership, it requires a balance of what you know vs. being open minded to new ideas, being in control vs. empowering teams and being professional vs. having a holistic approach. This requires having different leadership styles so that you can improve communication and collaboration, strengthen team effectiveness and increase team engagement. Three most mentioned leadership styles, authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire leadership can go hand in hand. How they all can benefit within each other, begins with comprehending how and why they do what they do. Laissez-faire leadership style would be the leadership style I least identify with because it is known as the minimal influence of all leadership styles. This type of leadership style identifies between who the leaders are and who the followers are but this leadership style refrain from getting too involved. This leadership style I least identify with because of my type of personality. I'm pragmatic. This would drive me nuts to just be laid back with very little engagement. But one take away I realized with this type of leadership is that, if there are authoritarian leaders and democratic leaders within the group already, then this leadership style can work. This type of leadership can be useful when the group or team feels too overwhelming where they need someone to be less pushy and for those people who are self-starters and do things their own way regardless.
How might you integrate this attribute into your leadership?
The example in chapter 3, in Introduction to Leadership, (Northouse 2020) explained the president of a website development company who has independent contractors where it describes the president's leadership style to be laissez-faire. That is one great example. To add, I would say people who work for staffing agencies, 1099 workers (IRS tax purposes) and entrepreneurs would benefit best using laissez-faire leadership. I would attribute this leadership style to a team that has highly skilled and experienced workers that have shown they can work independently with very little guidance.
Then, explain how you would learn about the needs of your team and the leadership style they prefer to work under.
How would I learn about the needs of my team? The best way is through active listening and encouraging engagement such as feedback and identifying the strengths and weaknesses in their current skills. Several ways I would incorporate this is through assessments, both the organization and employee-self assessments and through performance appraisals. Appraisals track progress and make any adjustments needed, and employee self-assessments and organization assessments are specific to development needs, guidelines and most importantly, communication.
Based on what you learn, to what extent would you adapt your leadership style?
I hate to admit, but when I needed to be more of a leader, I followed the authoritarian leadership style. I like precision, direction and providing clarity. I focus on meeting goals and following work standards. I noticed that it falls more along the management aspect of leadership than being a leader per se. I would incorporate my leadership style to provide clarity and have solutions for any obstacles that may come about.
McKinsey & Company. (2024) What is leadership? McKinsey & Company.
Northouse, P. G. (2020). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). SAGE.