Analyze how amazon uses the grand strategies of


• Sources must be academic sources and in APA format

• Must contain three credible sources, with in-text citations

• Must be clearly written in complete sentences, with relevant information

• No content from other student's papers, this includes sources or citations, no plagiarism

• This document must be four pages long without references or title page Amazon's Strategy for Growth

1. Analyze how Amazon uses the grand strategies of concentration, market development, and product development as a part of its long-term strategy for growth. Include the following:

2. Concentration: o Increasing the current customers' rate of use o Attracting competitors' customers

3. Market Development o Opening additional geographic markets o Attracting other market segments

4. Product Development o Developing new product features

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Business Management: Analyze how amazon uses the grand strategies of
Reference No:- TGS02314147

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