Analyze energy efficiency in a given set up
- You can use any data from any resources but for Australia and especially Western Australia. Which is my region according
Basic idea of assignment but you can use any form or analysis you like according to assignment instructions given in learning guide.
- Please follow all steps and attach screenshots for those data entry steps with assignment.
Write a report on those steps
Make tables for every data entry for each section and take references from Western Australian Govt website.
For room
Describe the details of all means of electricity in report and add as much details as you can light bulbs, x4 incandescent bulb.
1 fan 120watt.
2 laptops,
2 cellphones,
1 lamp (Fancy), 100watt bulb
1 exhaust fan, 80 watt
Bulbs x4 incandescent bulb.
Exhaust fan. x 1
Energy use
Frequency (Avg) per day
Energy use per day
Bulbs x4
42 x4 =.17kW
3$ x 4=12AUD
5% .only 2.2 into light, rest heat energy
20 hours
.17 x 20= 3.4 kwh per day
1. LED bulb
2. Natural sun light lamp
Exhaust fan
80 =.08kw
130 AUD
60% efficient
(electricity in to mechanical pw)
22 hours
.08 x 22=1.76kwh per day .
Solar exhaust fans
Energy Australia energy provider or you can use any other.
You can use following document for referencing and to obtain above information.
D) Australian govt
Please find attachment of example provided in class for cost benefit analysis.
Simple calculation of cost benefit analysis
Imagine a simple example of a bulb. Let us say this cost $3.00 and consumes 100W and can last two years at a usage rate of 4 hrs per day.
Now let us assume that you want to replace this with $8.00 LED bulb which consumes 10W and it lasts one year at the same usage rate (4 hrs/d)
Based on the cost benefit analysis you can make a decision either to immediately replace the bulb or later replace it.
Now, you need to consider the electricity price, let us assume the price is $1.2 per kWh.
You need to again compare both on the service level that is assume that you want to get the service of two years at $4 hrs per day.
You will need one 100W bulb and two LED bulbs.
The purchase cost is $3.00 for the 100W bulb + and $16.00 for the LED bulbs.
Energy price for the 100W bulb is = 100 W*1E-3 (kW/W)*4 hrs/day*$1.2 /kWh = 0.48 $/d
Energy price for the 10W bulb is = 100 W*1E-3 (kW/W)*4 hrs/day*$1.2 /kWh = 0.048 $/d
In a simple calculation the saving is 0.432 $/d
On a simple cost benefit analysis basis the pay back period is = $16/(0.432 $/day) = 37 days, if you throw the existing bulb (assuming it is new) and bought a LED bulb then the pay back period is ($16 + $3)/0.432 = 44 days. If you calculate in detail with other methods (interest rates), you would find the pay back period is shorter. However, I hope you get the point related to the cost benefit analysis.Assignment No.
Q1. Describe briey the procedure recommended by the ISO to conduct LCA.
Q2. Download the student version of GaBi life cycle assessment software and bring in week 3 lecture for signature.
Conduct the example life cycle assessment for paper clips. Students are expected to nalise this part before coming to the second workshop on Week 3. If you come across any doubts keep it ready to ask during the second workshop. The screenshot copy will be electronically signed at the beginning of the second workshop (5%)
Q3. You will be given few options to choose from for conducting life cycle assessment.
Your report should include estimated weight of each component (2%), a well-dened functional unit (2%), a balanced material flow diagram and impact analysis (3%), hot spot identication (3%), remedial measures(2%), and feasibility of improvement options (3%). (Report structure will attract 5%)