
Analyze different conceptualizations of community

(Social Work Subject) Identify and analyze different conceptualizations of community and the factors that have affected the understanding of this term

this is a social work subject

In the essay, you need to

– briefly define what Community is (information can be found from Chapter 22 ‘Community’ in The SAGE Handbook of social work research (2010). *remember to highlighted different conceptualizations of Community, it is a contested term and need to be highlighted)

-Draw on appropriate theoretical perspectives of community development to identify the different ways in which community is conceptualized (focus on human right, empowerment and social interactionism. Refer to book: Kenny, S. 2004, Developing communities for the future, Chapter 2 and 3 ; Mullender, A., Ward, D & Fleming A, 2013, Empowerment in action: Self directed Group work, Chapter 2. ).

-Consider the factors that shape how community is understood paying particular attention to the influence of globalization and technology, with examples

– identify and contextualize two different types of community work with examples ( first type is community engagement and second type is bottom up community development work) and how they sit within contemporary social, political, ethical and organizational contexts.

– use appropriate referencing and citations.

Other Useful texts :

-Ife, J 2010, principles and dimensions of community development. Ch 2 in human rights from below, Cambridge University Press, pp. 29-66

-Butcher, H et al 2007, ‘towards a model of critical community practice’, Chapter 4 Critical community practice, pp. 51-76

-Popple, Keith and Quinney, Anne, Theory and practice of community development: a case study from United Kingdom

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